Friday, August 8, 2008


It is good to be home. Now we can start earning money to return next year. To bad we can't stay longer.
We had a great experience. I am so thankful I was able to take my family with me. I knew, from previous experience, that it would be life changing for my family and it was. It exceded my expectations. I am giving it a few days to all sink in, but right now, I think I can say that it was the most fulfilling adventure that I have ever been on. I saw my wife and my children experience what I experienced earlier in my life. This trip allowed me to experience that all over again and it was very fulfilling to my soul. God truely has blessed us on this trip. I wish there were a way to express the joy, satisfaction, thirst quenching feeling of Christianity at work that we all were blessed with, but there is not. It is like visiting the Grand Canyon for the first time in your life. You may have seen it in pictures or on TV or in a movie on the ,"big screen", but until you walk up to that rim and see it with your own eyes, you cannot believe it. It is just to awsome for words and you stand there in silence, trying to believe what you are seeing.
I hope and pray that more young people will go next year, and I hope more of us older people will be able to go next year. I could go on for several pages, but for now I've said enough.
Thank you all for a great trip. It was great working with you.

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