Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wed AM

The meeting room here at the Holiday Inn where we had devo last night has a sign on the door to indicate that its the room we would be using. The sign reads "Waverly Reunion". I don't know who told them to call it that, but it is so fitting.

We've all been up and had a very wonderful breakfast. Today should be the most physically challenging day. We'll be fixing food bags first this morning, loading the bus and then off to visit one of the communitites!! I love El Salvador! At each community we will have a VBS, serve snacks, play with the children, have a lesson for the adults, and give out reading glasses. Its getting close to departure time - updates thes evening!!! Today we will be at San Martin, Lord willing.


PhilipNagle said...

may God Bless all of you today as you get started on doing God's work
i look forward on getting more updates as the trip really gets started may God Bless allof you and all of you are in my prayers

LA said...

Sounds like things are starting out really well. Just want you all to know you're in my prayers and that I enjoy reading your updates.
LeeAnn Schwerdtfeger